Contact Information

Questions about any of Edquity-Minded Consulting, LLC.’s policies and statements should be sent to us. Our contact information is posted below:
Edquity-Minded Consulting, LLC.  

Interpretation/Disclaimer Statement

The policies and statements listed do not constitute a comprehensive outline of all Edquity-Minded Consulting, LLC (EMC) policies and procedures. EMC clients are responsible for informing themselves about their responsibilities and obligations regarding these policies and statements. 

Disclaimer Statement: Though the guidelines and expectations of this document are the responsibility of all clients to abide by, doing so does not guarantee services for any specific length of time. Although I hope our contractual relationship will be long-term, either EMC or you can end the relationship at any time, with or without notice, with or without reason, to the extent allowed by law.

These internal practices and policies are how EMC has interpreted, completes, and adheres to government/state/federal laws. The policies included in this document are subject to change as the EMC Founder deems appropriate and necessary. From time to time, you may receive notice of new or modified policies, procedures, programs, or services. 

Any question of interpretation or application of this document should be referred to Edquity-Minded Consulting (EMC) Founder for final determination.

Edquity-Minded Consulting LLC is also known as EMC or Edquity-Minded Consulting.
User is also known as clients, customers, vendors, students, and other Site users.

Going beyond compliance


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Edquity-Minded Consulting